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Resources: The Intervention Model

Guide 1 - “How to build local partnerships for VET”

The How to Guide “How to build local partnerships for VET” provides tools, methodologies and tips that will help local agents involved in Vocational Education and Training, both from public and private sectors, to build local partnerships that will enable them to play an essential role in the adaptation of the VET offer to the real needs of their territories.
With this aim, the Guide proposes the reader to carry out a 4 stages process:
1. Make a reflection on the current situation of VET in the territory (including legal framework or key agents involved, for instance)
2. Setting up the bases of the partnership, by identifying common objectives
3. Defining the basic characteristics of the new partnership (strategic, organizational, operational…)
4. Putting partnership at work, by defining and implementing a local action plan for the improvement of VET

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Guide 2 - “How to monitor labour market needs”

The main objective of the guide on labour market needs is to lead the user to identify the matching demand shortages and supply in the labour market. The project set out to identify the need for vocational education and training in the response of specific employment demands in a local geographic area and the means by which these demands were determined. In order to obtain as much information as possible on aspects of labour market, the Guide shows particular views of working to identify the factors, which will foster and create the different educational programmes. Market needs analysis, involving the identification and evaluation of skill needs, is a tool for decision making in education services. Decisions can be varied, including such as resource allocation, fun-ding, and planning, thus needs assessment is a process of evaluating the problems and solutions identified for a target population.

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Guide 3 - “How to programme VET”

This guide provides tools, methodologies and tips that help local agents involved in Vocational Education and Training, both from public and private sectors, to design and implement a local VET program adapted to the real labour market needs of their territories. The guide is structured in the following three steps of a training: Preparation, Implementation and Follow-up. The first step ‘Preparation’ covers the whole development of the program taking into account the definition of the target group and the learning outcomes, the calculation of the budget, as well as the general organisation. Within the second step ‘Implementation’ the main activity is to decide if the implementation of the program has to be monitored and in which way. General evaluation, assessment, certification and documentation of the program are part of the third step ‘Follow-up’.

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Guide 4 - “How to assess the impact”

The How to Guide “Impact assessment“ provides guidance on how to plan and perform an impact analysis of Vocation and Training programs or projects developed within local partnerships frameworks. Impact is the difference between before and after the VET intervention and therefore is useful to determine to what extent VET objectives have been fulfilled.
The Guide explains what is impact assessment, how to set the activities to be carried out and which methodologies and tools shall be considered to assess the impact on:
1. Individuals participating to VET courses
2. Companies looking for skills on the labour market
3. Local partnership pro-moting VET
4. Territory economic and social development.

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Implementation Toolkit

The Toolkit provides descriptions and further details on the different tools, which are mentioned in the four How-to-Guides. Therefore, the Toolkit will help you to implement the How-to-Guides within your territory.

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Best Practice Dossier

Within this Best Practice Dossier you can find Best Practices of successful implemented and adapted Vocational Education and Training programs across Europe, which have been collected by the project partners. The Best Practices were collected on the following topics: Local partnerships for VET, Training need analysis, VET Programming and Impact Assessment. The objective of this well-structured dossier is to provide general and high level guidance in order to simplify the adaptation of the Model to specific territorial situations.

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Case Studies

The Case Studies describe the experiences of the project partners during the implementation of the How-to-Guides in their territory. These documents give concrete examples and the partners also provided important tips. Furthermore, the Case studies give an introduction into the different territories and the VET system in the respective country.

Case Study Spain
Case Study Turkey
Case Study Germany